BP Portrait Award 2020 Online

BP Portrait Award Survives Online – Edward Lucie-Smith

As the National Portrait Gallery closes its doors, not just in response to the Coronavirus epidemic, but in preparation for a three-year rehab, the annual BP Portrait Award survives online, as a virtual show. The 2020 exhibition is now up for view on the web.

26 May 2020

Side by Side Victoria Miro David Zwirner

Side by Side

Presented by Victoria Miro and David Zwirner, Side by Side is an extended reality (XR) presentation of works by Njideka Akunyili Crosby, Stan Douglas, Alice Neel, Chris Ofili, Grayson Perry and Franz West.

21 May 2020 - 15 July 2020


David Zwirner, 24 Grafton Street, London, W1S 4EZ


The Botanical Mind,Camden Arts Centre

The Botanical Mind

Now extended to 28 February 2021

Camden Arts Centre reopens with this exhibition bringing together an extraordinary presentation of trans-cultural art and artefacts, revealing an encoded intelligence inherent in plant forms – patterns that can be thought of as blueprints for the natural world.

24 September 2020 - 28 February 2021

see website

Camden Art Centre, Arkwright Road, London, NW3 6DG


Nigel Cooke Pace

Nigel Cooke: Midnights

Pace Gallery presents Nigel Cooke: Midnights, a solo exhibition of six new works on paper by Cooke that further explore the artist’s recent shift to abstraction and reflect his practice during quarantine over the past months.

15 May 2020 - 02 June 2020


Pace London, 5 Hanover Square, London, W1S 1HD


Frieze New York 2020

Frieze New York 2020 Viewing Room

Frieze New York moves online for 2020. Frieze Viewing Room is a new phone app and web-based platform presented with the world’s leading galleries.

08 May 2020 - 15 May 2020

online. Preview - 6-7 May 2020

online, , ,


Enchanted Interior Guildhall Art Gallery

The Enchanted Interior

Visit online

This major exhibition explores the recurring motif of female subjects in art, as depicted in enclosed, ornate interiors.

13 March 2020 - 14 June 2020


Guildhall Art Gallery, Guildhall Yard, London, EC2V 5AE


Stefan Gec Annely Juda

In Response To…

Annely Juda Fine Art presents the launch of its first exclusively online exhibition entitled In Response To…, in which four contemporary artists ‘respond to’ a work of the twentieth-century avant-garde.

28 April 2020 - 13 June 2020


Annely Juda Fine Art, 4th Floor 23 Dering Street, London, W1S 1AW


Sinta Tantra, Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery

Sinta Tantra

Modern Times, an online exhibition of new work by Sinta Tantra curated by Guillaume Vandame.

20 March 2020 - 17 May 2020


Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery (Tower Bridge), 36 Tanner Street, London, SE1 3LD


James Turrell

James Turrell

View Online

Pace Gallery presents its second solo exhibition of new works by Light and Space master James Turrell at the London Gallery.

15 June 2020 - 14 August 2020


Pace London, 5 Hanover Square, London, W1S 1HD
