Test Your Wits In Zabludowicz Power Game Competition

Liliane Lijn

Zabludowicz Collection offers opportunity to take part in Liliane Lijn’s Power Game performance, where players are put on spot to prove their wit, originality and influence


For one night only, the Zabludowicz Collection will transform into a casino, inviting visitors to gamble on the power of words – demonstrate your wit, originality and influence to secure the votes that win the hand

First staged in 1974, POWER GAME is a live unrehearsed performance concieved by Liliane Lijn that investigates the politics of power and rhetoric. Played as an altered game of Chemin de Fer using a pack of word cards created by the artist, each game is transformed by the personalities of the players at the table and how they interpret the meanings of the words they are dealt.

To enter the casino, you must buy chips at the door. Anyone with chips can play the game, but places at the table are limited and new players can only join when seats become free. To win a place at the table for the opening hand of the game and £10 of chips, email info@zabludowiczcollection.com with the subject POWER GAME and define in 160 characters what POWER means to you. Send your entries by Monday 2 April 2012. Winners will be announced on Friday 6 April. Players must be over 18.

Power Game is principally concerned with the power of words and how people interpret meaning, depending on their interests and preconceptions. Invited players and members of the public who join the table have to demonstrate their wit, originality, or economic/political/cultural influence to secure the votes that win the hand. Each live performance is video-taped from beginning to end and simultaneously broadcast live on screens both in the casino and in the café bar, intercut with video from past performances.

Lijn’s work makes extensive use of new technologies and a broad range of media to explore properties of language, light and motion and has drawn influence from science, oriental and western philosophies and mythology.

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