Banksy Spoofed By Street Artist Hanksy

New York graffiti artist replicates Banksy artworks but with key addition – the face of Tom Hanks

The tables have been turned on street artist Banksy, as the graffiti satirist gets spoofed by one of his own. A rival street artist, calling himself ‘Hanksy’, has been recreating Banksy artworks across New York’s Lower East Side but with one addition – the face of Tom Hanks!  

And so, Banksy’s famous stencil of a rioter preparing to throw a bunch of flowers becomes Tom Hanks preparing to throw Wilson, the volleyball he befriends in the 2000 film Castaway etc etc. Just take a look at the images below.

What’s more, Hanksy is now receiving recognition as an artist in their own right, with his/her ever first gallery exhibition, opening today at New York’s Krause Gallery. Tom Hanks masks and a box of chocolates are reportedly to be handed out to the first 200 attendees. But this, of course, is no street art feud of the type that Banksy is currently waging with King Robbo over the Camden canals. As the purveyor of wry humour, one would hope that he can appreciate the joke, conceptualising it more as a homage rather than a threat.

Read More About Banksy Here




Has Banksy’s fame made him establishment? Perhaps, as this is the second time in quick succession that he has been mimicked by younger artists. A couple of weeks ago, a Polish art student copied Banksy in hanging one of his own works in the National Museum of Poland, mirroring the street artist’s 2005 stunt at several galleries in New York.

Banksy is a UK-based graffiti artist who is famed internationally for his signature stencil street art style, and the mystery surrounding his true identity. He began in Bristol, his home city, and now his art can be seen on buildings all around the world. Banksy’s works are often humorous and based on current issues. Some of his works have sold for tens of thousands of pounds. And his artwork sales have attracted Hollywood celebrities too – Christina Aguilera, for example, bought an original of Queen Victoria as a lesbian and two prints for £25,000.

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