Luke Norton: I haven’t been feeling myself lately

Luke Norton gallery@oxo

2016 shocked the world and we didn’t (really) react – why?

We’ve forgotten how to feel. Numb. Dumb. It’s like we’ve swallowed our tongues.

When things are going wrong it’s easy to react this way.

To roll over, shut the front door, reduce our emotions to taps and clicks.

Denying our humanity. Diminishing hardship to a shrug.

What we need is to re-sensitise.

 Luke Norton, like the world – I haven’t been feeling himself lately.

He turned to art as a form of therapy. Blowing his brains out in all directions.

Making words and objects, that made him slowly feel like himself again.

He’s putting this work on display in an outsider folk art therapy show: I haven’t been feeling myself lately:

Duration 18 January 2017 - 29 January 2017
Times Daily 11am-6pm
Cost Free
Venue Gallery@Oxo
Address Oxo Tower Wharf, Bargehouse Street, London SE1 9PH, ,
Contact 0793 930 8244 / /

