Sturtevant: Vice Versa

Sturtevant Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac

A solo show of iconic paintings, photographs, installation, videos and wallpaper by the American artist Sturtevant.

Sturtevant has been acknowledged as one of the most important artists of the 21st century, having presaged the endlessly repeating, unattributed imagery that characterises the digital world of today. ‘All reality is now virtual reality’, said Sturtevant. There is a unique blend of urgency and timelessness in her work that explains its growing impact on younger generations of artists. ‘Sturtevant’s work is very “now”, and even her pieces from the ’60s look as fresh today as they did when she created them’, states Hans Ulrich Obrist, co-curator of the triumphant Sturtevant retrospective at London’s Serpentine Gallery in 2013.

A female artist in a male-dominated world, Sturtevant took on a role that was both one of exception and belonging. Through the lens of her investigation into notions of authorship and aesthetics, she examined the relation between original and origins. By ‘pushing the limits of resemblance’, Sturtevant’s repetitions of works by other artists articulate a tension between the source image and the resulting artwork, which she created from memory. According to Peter Eleey, curator of Sturtevant: Double Trouble at MoMA in 2014, ‘she was not a copyist, plagiarist, parodist, forger, or imitator, but was rather a kind of actionist, who adopted style as her medium in order to investigate aspects of art’s making, circulation, consumption, and canonisation’.

Duration 23 February 2018 - 31 March 2018
Venue Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac
Address Ely House, 37 Dover Street, London, W1S 4NJ
Contact 4402038138400 / /

