Free Art By Fourth Plinth Artists Up For Grabs

Fourth Plinth

Get your hands on one of 5000 FREE limited edition artworks by Elmgreen & Dragset, available in celebration of the unveiling of their ‘Powerless Structures’ on Trafalgar Square’s Fourth Plinth

The artist duo Elmgreen & Dragset has collaborated with s[edition] to create a digital limited edition ‘digital prints’ of their Fourth Plinth commissioned sculpture. Designed to be viewed on digital devices from iPhones to televisions, the limited edition features a unique digital rendition of the bronze sculpture on the plinth. To commemorate the unveiling, s[edition] will offer members of the public the chance to own one of 5,000 limited editions, worth £35 each, for free before 5pm GMT on Friday 23 February 2012.  The editions are limited to one per person and can be accessed via the s[edition] website:

Michael Elmgreen said: ‘The internet has created possibilities for experiencing artworks in a totally different way. You do not need to be there in a physical sense at the location to actually get an impression of the work. So it broadens the possibilities to reach other audiences apart from the people in Trafalgar Square.’

Ingar Dragset stated: ‘When we developed the sculpture itself in a 3D format, we used the computer as well as a tool. It is a big part of most artists’ working process. What you see with our s[edition] limited edition is the computer manipulated sculpture turning around, with the blue sky in the background, and it loops endlessly.’

Robert Norton, co-founder and CEO of s[edition], said: ‘It is thrilling to be partnered with Elmgreen & Dragset and Aurasma on such a groundbreaking initiative.  This is the first time we have seen major artists  bring the physical and virtual worlds together using augmented reality powered by Aurasma, and we believe it will pave the way for the future.’

Martina King, Managing Director of Aurasma, said: ‘This ground breaking collaboration with s[edition] brings digital art to 3D life, augmented into the real world.  People will be able to use the simple tools in the app to add a 3D model of the artwork to their homes, offices gardens – even the street.  We’re delighted to see Aurasma’s unique technology being used to change the way people see and interact with art using their mobile devices.’  

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