Jimmy DeSana and the Sex Appeal of the Inorganic

Jimmy DeSana Amanda Wilkinson Gallery

The bodies in Jimmy DeSana’s photographs are posed with objects. These objects are not simply props for human eroticism: rather, it seems as if the object is using the body for its own satisfaction as if the bodies are not there for the sake of our enjoyment as viewers but rather for the things that are the agents of their poses.

Sometimes the poses suggest the arched body of the hysteric in the photographs that were taken at the hospital of La Salpêtrière in Paris towards the end of the 19th century. What is uncertain and perhaps unknowable is the extent to which the supposed hysterics who were the subjects of these photographs staged their attacks for an audience, a master, or the camera. Who exactly is manipulating whom? DeSana’s photographs don’t quite equate to pornography or glamour shoots, nor to Warhol’s passive-aggressive manipulation of his subjects. It feels more as if the photographer has been invited in to commemorate some phantasy of the one who is posing or is working with a friend to do something a bit bad together. Rather than publicity or glamour, there is a sense of collusion in the privacy of the home or the apartment, with the effect that an imagined domestic ideal is disrupted.

Duration 30 October 2019 - 01 February 2020
Times Tuesday – Saturday, 11am – 6pm
Cost Free
Venue Amanda Wilkinson Gallery
Address 1st Floor, 47 Farringdon Road, , London, EC1M 3JB
Contact 442078310151 / info@amandawilkinsongallery.com / www.amandawilkinsongallery.com/

